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Isabel Avalos
Clerk: Hs
Teachers & Librarians
Enoeka Abasumoh
Teacher: Music/chor/bnd/orch
Juan Carruyo Villalobos
Teacher: Classroom
Derick Castillo
Teacher: Classroom
Aaron Chavez
Teacher: Classroom
Rachel Daley
Teacher: Classroom
Dawn Fernandez
Teacher: Gifted
Georgia Garcia
Teacher: Classroom
Luis Garcia
Teacher: Classroom
Angela Garcia Castillo
Teacher: Bilingual
Octaviano Harvey
Teacher: Classroom
Delbert Huckabay
Teacher: Classroom
Jacqueline Icenogle
Teacher: Classroom
Julia Lucero
Teacher: Classroom
Hormary Hapuc Ollarves Campos
Teacher: Bilingual
Terry Platt
Teacher: Classroom
Kelsey Rangel
Teacher: Itinerant Music
Maria Rios Nevarez
Teacher: Classroom
Nicole Romero
Teacher: Interventionist
Julienne Roybal
Teacher: Classroom
Roberto Salazar
Teacher: Classroom, Athletic Director: MS
Paul Sherick
Teacher: Classroom
Torie Webb
Teacher: Classroom
Christopher Oglesby
Special Education
Rebecca Arnett
Sp Ed Classroom Teacher
Angelique Cowder
Sp Ed Classroom Teacher
Naanibah Eddie
Sp Ed Classroom Teacher
Amanda Mahan
6th and 7th Math
Sp Ed Classroom Teacher
Kenneth Mahan
Sp Ed Classroom Teacher
David Mcgirk
Sp Ed Classroom Teacher
Anna Ortega
Sp Ed Classroom Teacher
Andrea Pearson
Sp Ed Classroom Teacher
James Sedillo
Sp Ed Classroom Teacher
Merit Wise
Sp Ed Classroom Teacher
Educational Assistants
Ida Armijo
Educ Asst: General Education
Kimberly Carrasco
Educ Asst: Title I
Silvia Jacquez
Educ Asst: Special Ed
Ranee Lovato
Educ Asst: Special Ed
Laticia Madrid
Educ Asst: Health
Carmen Montoya
Educ Asst: Special Ed
Katy Ortiz Contreras
Educ Asst: Special Ed
Vidal Santillanes Lopez
Educ Asst: Special Ed
Courtney Elkins
Josephina Jackson
Henry Lopez
Custodian: D1
Laticia Madrid
Educ Asst: Health
Konnie Nelson
Blanca Perez Marquez
Custodian: D1
Yolanda Rios
Custodian: D1
Rosa Saenz De Tarango
Yardman: D2
Section 504 Coordinator
Stacia Duarte
Principal: Middle School