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Dual Language Program

  • Students receive content instruction in both Spanish and English every day
  • Focus of program is bilingualism and bi-literacy
  • Academics through linguistic & cultural development

Our Mission/

“The Ernie Pyle Dual Language Program provides students with a rigorous learning experience in Spanish and English that is both culturally and linguistically responsive; our dual language students will become bi-lingual, bi-literate, and culturally responsive learners that demonstrate high academic achievement in all areas.”

“El Programa de Lenguaje Dual de Ernie Pyle ofrece a los estudiantes una experiencia de aprendizaje rigurosa en español e inglés que es tanto cultural como lingüísticamente sensible; nuestros estudiantes de doble idioma se convertirán en estudiantes bilingües, bilingües y culturalmente receptivos que demuestran un alto rendimiento académico en todas las áreas”.

Benefits Of Being Bilingual


Bilingual students, due to increased cognitive activity of learning in multiple languages, score higher on standardized tests. Besides providing the obvious benefit of language development, speaking two languages also increases:

  • Creativity
  • Abstract thinking
  • Attention span
  • Working memory
  • Self-control
  • Flexible problem-solving skills


Bilingual students tolerate differences better than their monolingual peers and are more skilled at finding a resolution to versus conflict.


Bilingual workers, on average, earn up to 5-20% more per hour than monolingual workers in their lifetimes. (

APS Bilingual Seal

At EPMS our goal is to prepare students to achieve the honor of receiving their high school bilingual seal.

A Bilingual Seal on a High School Diploma verifies that a student is completely bilingual and functions in both Spanish and English proficiently. This seal verifies that students possess communication skills which are attractive to potential colleges and employers.

File APS Bilingual Seal Handbook (PDF) (404)

EPMS Course Of Study

6th Grade

Spanish Language Arts, Spanish Social Studies, English Language Arts or English as a 2nd language


Spanish Language Arts, Spanish Science, English Language Arts or English as a 2nd language


Spanish Language Arts, Spanish Math/Algebra, English Language Arts or English as a 2nd Language

united in languages logo

Dual Language Team Contacts

  • Luis Garcia
    • Spanish LA 6/Bilingual Coordinator

Dual Language/ ESL Teachers

  • Angela Garcia-Castillo: SS 7/8
  • Luis Garcia: LA 6/Science
  • Juan Carruyo-Villalobos-Math 7/8
  • Maria Rios: LA 7/8